From explosive composition mixing to its final initiation, is a long journey. Weapon Engineering Specialists ensure safety of personnel and property and reliability of the operations. Call them Ammo or Munitions techs, Armament or Armorers or EOD operators; they need safe and reliable equipment and facilities for Handling, storage, maintenance and disposal.
Explosives Storage Management
Explosives storage management services are offered for facilities maintenance for all the safety equipment required. We also can offer course for Explosive Storage Safety management on the guidelines of UK’s JSP-482 and UN Orange book.

Life tracking and is an important aspect of keeping the health of the explosives on reliable standards. We offer test equipment to test different functional, safety and reliability parameters of your held explosives. When undertaking a legal production of explosives’ we offer a turnkey solution for designing your testing requirement at different stages of mixing and assembly.
Ballistics and Proof testing
Ammunition and Guided Weapons Work Shop Facilities
Testing the guided weapons require a diverse range of reequipment to setup a workshop. Electronics testing and Hight pressure cooling gases management are our areas of expertise. We can be involved from the start if you need a turnkey solution for your workshop needs.