400 Gallons 1.5 ton Water Trailer PKM-149

Water Buffalo​

The military 400 gallon Water trailer is a 1½ Ton, 2 Wheeled trailer distributes drinking water to field operating units. With steel body M149 version, Stainless steel tank M-149A and  Fiberglass tank M-149A1 are also offered. These Water Tlr also referred to as Water Buffalo are designed to carry potable or non-potable water on either highway or cross-country routes. It can be towed by a 2½ Ton Truck or equal with allowable speeds of 80 km/h highway and 48 km/h cross-country. 

Military Water trailer M149
  • A 24 Volts electrical System capable of operations under standard and blackout modes.
  • Manually operated parking brakes used to secure the trailer when stopped or parked.
  • Aqua Safe coatings are performed to keep the water clean and biology growth.
  • Two-wheel single axle with leaf spring suspension to absorb road shock.
  • Dual-line air/hydraulics brake system which receives air pressure from towing vehicle
  • Inter vehicular Cable and Safety Chains.
  • Rugged and Maintenance friendly features.
  • Supplied with Manual hand pump.